Sunday, May 27, 2007

Memorial Day

Aaahhh, Memorial Day weekend. Three day holiday that comes around every year in the last week of May. Get the pool set up, mow the yard, play golf. But, wait...why do I get three days off? I did nothing unusual or spectacular to deserve it. But somebody did.

Thank you, from the depths of my soul, brave soldiers. You suffered through the mud, the bitter cold, the oppressive heat and the fear of death to give me the freedom to enjoy golf, and mowing and just screwing off for three days. I can't even imagine the terror coursing through your veins, as you hunkered down in your foxhole, or stormed the beaches. But, you did it. You did it for your God, your family and your fellow countrymen. You did it without question, because you believed in the goodness that is this country. And I say thank you.

Mere words cannot express the gratitude we all owe these fine men. A heartfelt thanks is all I can offer. Consider it offered...and rest easy.


Anonymous said...

Hear, hear!

Unknown said...

Mere words cannot express the gratitude we all owe these fine men.

only men?

Brannon said...

Just notice you had a blog of your own. YOU CAVED!

This was a moving post.

Anonymous said...

A new post, por favor, Billyfish? Tammy says please, please, please.

Anonymous said...


Billyfish said...

Sorry I have not responded to these comments. I really had no idea anyone was even reading this stuff.

Yes Kelly, I said men. While I do not discount the efforts the women put in on the home front, it was only men dodging bullets and crawling through the mud and the blood to secure our freedom.