Tuesday, June 19, 2007


How was your day off? What, you don't get a day off on Juneteenth? Us lucky folk at TxDOT do. It is one of those weird holidays that were bestowed upon us in the 70's in lieu of a pay raise.

I spent the day in Andrews, battling the evil hordes of Odessa TxDOT-ers in the annual Lubbock-Odessa Golf Challenge. All I can say is the folks in Odessa play golf too much and work too little, as they bested us for the third straight year. Didn't matter, as I got to play golf at Chad Campbell's home course and had a great day.

Meanwhile, back at the home front, the chore list is a little smaller. Got the armoire painted, and planted 105 new Vinca plants in the dusty dry dirt 'neath the towering elms near the driveway. Just 40 more to go, and then vigilant watering. Thinking about attacking those unpainted adobe walls this weekend.

Getting the undone done a little at a time.


Anonymous said...

This state employee worked today. New girl needs the comp time, dammit.

Anonymous said...

any possibility that the reason you receive so many days off is that the difference in productivity levels on work days and vacation days is negligible?

Todd said...

You know I evoked wrath like nothing else I had experienced when I made an off the cuff comment regarding how much time teachers and school administrators get off for summer, Thanksgiving, Spring Break, etc. You would have thought I insulted Elvis Presley at Graceland.

Todd said...

Happy Teenth. What kind of food did you all have?

Is Williams Chicken on Ave Q open yet?

Billyfish said...

I did partake of all four food groups...Ham, cheese, grain alcohol and tobacco.