Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

Somebody asked me today if I was happy. And, strangely enough, I had to think about it. I mean, what the hell does that mean? Am I happy in a "the sky is blue, and the birds are singing" way? How about happy in a "I am so blessed by God" way? Or maybe I am happy in a "Jeez, at least I am not that fat fuck I saw at Wal-Mart yesterday" way.

After some thought, I responded that yes, I am happy. In a general "life doesn't suck so much" kind of way. Of course, I am not always happy. I've only known one person like that. A woman who used to work at the office, was never sad, angry, grumpy or even irritable. She was ALWAYS happy, no matter what. And it used to really piss me off. One day I told her, "Darlene, before you retire from here, I AM going to make you get mad about something!" But, alas and alack, I failed.

At any rate, yes, I am happy. What's not to be happy about. I have a good job, nice house, beautiful wife, no kids, get to play golf at the Country Club any time I want and I occasionally get to blow off steam on this site like I can do nowhere else. And, oh yeah, I won $22 from RB on the Ohio State-LSU football game tonight. Now, THAT really made me happy.

Anyway, tomorrow it is back to work, where I am sure some disgruntled member of the public will turn Happy back into Grumpy. And if that doesn't occur, I can always go shopping at Wal-Mart.


Anonymous said...

and I know you well enough to realize that the happiness you feel from your $22 win is mostly from schadenfreude (one of the greatest sources of happiness), taking pleasure in RB's pain ...

Anonymous said...

A bit of inspired dialogue from the film "Waitress" (which I just watched a couple of days ago. It's lovely):
Cal, are you happy? I mean, when you call yourself a happy man, do you really mean it?

You ask a serious question, I'll give you a serious answer: Happy enough. I don't expect much. I don't get much, I don't give much. I generally enjoy whatever comes along. That's my answer for you, summed up for your feminine consideration. I'm happy enough.
"Happy enough". God, I love that so much.

That's my newest goal in life, I think -- to accept that I am "happy enough"... and to be truly and genuinely grateful for it.

Billyfish said...

Adding to my happiness this morning was an envelope on my desk containing $22 and the inscription..."If You See Kay, You tell her I love her...RB"

Happy, happy, Joy, Joy...

Tammy, Cal said it better than I ever could have. Must've been written before the writers strike.

"I'm happy enough."

Todd said...

A good description of happiness was from a John Hughes motion picture from the 80's "She's Having A Baby". The lead character portrayed by Kevin Bacon (a good beaten down role) was talking to his self centered best man (Alec Baldwin) right before his wedding. Kevin Bacon said "Will I be happy?"

The Best Man replied "Yes, but you won't realize you are happy."

How true is that, I mean we so often don't treasure things or people until they are taken away.

I still get joy out of throwing eggs at the purple house in the midst of that turbulent time.

k said...

Yes, Cousin Ed, we are often far happier -- far luckier -- than we realize, until it's too late. I call it "content." No nothing grand... no roller coaster highs... just being content with being content. Or at the very least, we aren't as miserable as we could be...

Stephen said...

Nice reference to Ren and Stimpy, one of my favorite Nicktoons.

Since others have added lines on happiness, I'll add one of my own:

Happiness Is A Warm Gun (The Beatles)

Unless all you have for ammunition is a bunch of blanks (Stephen)

But I agree with Elaine. It's always good therapy to look around and remind yourself that it's not as bad as it could be. You could be Hillary's spouse...or Bill's.

Anonymous said...

or Laura's ...

k said...

Yep... there's a reason there have been no recent blow jobs in the white house, at least none to which any one will confess...

Anonymous said...

P'shaw! I bet Condoleeza Rice gets blown all the time.

Anonymous said...

Those last two posts are just plane rong.