Friday, February 15, 2008

Politics in Moderation

Been away for a while...hopping in and out of other blogs. Whilst there, I have come to a conclusion or two.

One. Tammy runs a lot.

Two. The current education system in this state and country could use a lot of improvement.

Three. Sal Costello has a hard on for fuck-ups at TxDOT.

Four. Don't get crosswise with Tyson on the old haves vs. have nots argument.

Finally, a moderate position has a lot more appeal to me than it used to.

As I read a satirical posting by Tyson regarding the position taken by many hard nose right-wingers, it struck me that these people sound every bit as silly as the flitzy-ditzy "We Are the World" crowd on the left.

Extremists on both sides of the aisle detract the rest of us from coming to reasonable, workable solutions to the problems facing our country. Conservatives will smack you in the face with the flag, and warn you of the coming Stalinization of the country. Liberals will tell you that evil corporations extract baby oil from actual babies.

Meanwhile, I would wager the majority of the country wishes both sides would shut the fuck up and get something done. This problem has become more and more prevalent at the Congressional and Presidential level. Thus, we have reached a point of stagnation. Neither side will give an inch, for fear of being labeled as one on the "other" side. As a result, I have come to view the entire lot as a bunch of Republicrats.

Rush Limbaugh refers to moderates as people who have no convictions. I will respect his opinion, but choose to disagree. I would put forth the notion that moderates may be the most pragmatic of all. In my definition, they are people willing to give and take enough to move forward with solutions, instead of continuing the chest thumping, head banging, "you are wrong" posturing that has divided this country long enough.

Now that I have had time to wander a bit, and hear the rantings and ravings of both sides, I am at last able to make my choice for President in "08...John McCain. After all, he is despised by Conservatives and Liberals alike. He must be moving in the right direction.


Anonymous said...

Ugh. I can't sleep -- thus, perhaps not the best time to be making political commentary, but oh well.

I was SUCH a McCain fan (as you well know, having had many past conversations with me on the subject as I sat across from you in your office), but I became disillusioned with him at the beginning of this whole prematurely staged presidential circus when he seemingly abandoned his greatest asset -- the ability to talk straight (and with honest conviction!), even when doing so would alienate (piss off!) members of his own party.

During the first few debates, John (probably at the advice of some ridiculously pompous and overpaid political "adviser"), embraced the "speak out of both sides of your mouth" philosophy that so thoroughly turns me off about campaign politics. He WAS "wishy-washy" (not merely "moderate"), and literally painful to watch, and his campaign, of course, initially suffered because of it. It was only when he was almost completely out of campaign funds -- when he was being called a "long shot" by the polls and the press -- that he finally threw off his ugly "politico-suit" and once again revealed the spirit that I had come to admire.

However, while John was still busy "making nice-nice" with the Republican party, I was turning my attentions toward other candidates. Senator Joe Biden, for one. And then, a bit later on, Obama.

I have been picnicking around the Obama camp for a while now... sitting on my blanket in the grass with my lemonade in my hand and enjoying the show. From time to time, I am moved enough by him to leap to my feet and cheer... and I like that. Although I tend to spill my lemonade all over myself when it happens. And I worry sometimes that my "Groovyland" way of embracing the world (all too often with my heart first, and my head second!) will undermine my very true attempts to remain pragmatic.

Anonymous said...

A very sane, well-conceived, and well-written post, by the way, Batman.

Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

"Meanwhile, I would wager the majority of the country wishes both sides would shut the fuck up and get something done."

actually, I would argue that those in the know believe the country is better off when the government gets nothing done ... gridlock might be the answer.

k said...

Too bad gridlock didn't happen before the squandering of the budgetary surplus, entering a war, building a deficit, and bringing education to a grinding halt. But, you may have point and we just need to watch for better timing next time.

k said...

By the way, Billyfish, welcome to middle of the road, previously reserved for women... though I like to think of as the section of the road with the best view and the smartest people... granted you aren't a woman, but we can make an exception.

Anonymous said...

Elaine wrote:

"Too bad gridlock didn't happen before the squandering of the budgetary surplus, entering a war, building a deficit, and bringing education to a grinding halt."

My point exactly ... all primarily under one party. Give me a President from one party, control of Congress by the other party, and leave me the hell alone ...

k said...

I think a Pres from one party and a VP from another wouldn't be a bad strategy either...

Anonymous said...

An interesting and relevant opinion piece on McCain in today's NY Times.

The World’s Worst Panderer

An excerpt:
Granted, his pride in “straight talk” may arise partly because he is an execrable actor. When he does try double-talk, he looks so guilty and uncomfortable that he convinces nobody.

Billyfish said...

I may not be a woman Elaine...but many say I make a great wife.

My only consternation with standing in the middle of the road is I will probably be run down, while I have my head firmly planted in the ground.

Anonymous said...

You guys crack me up with this continual political blib-blab. Now we get it on Billy's blog too?? If I want this kind of mental masterbation, all I need to do is tune into "Fox and Friends". Yes, unfortunately Chavez allows that in Venezuela - shows you how mindless it truly is. I'll make my voting decision on the night before the election like I always do. Only then can I be sure that their positions/platforms are set. All I need is a reasonable rag that displays each candidate's position. I'll leave it up to the media, along with all you who play the "home version" of the longest reality TV game in the history of presidental elections to drive out the truth in each candidates story. Meanwhile, I'll be sitting barefoot on the dictator's Bolivar, sneaking sips of Tammy's groovy lemonade and eating bits of Billy's bitter cake. Wake me up when we are back to worrying about things that could actually affect me, or my family in the immediate future.

Billyfish said...

Two days after I wrote this bit, this appeared in the Lubbock Advertising Journal. This is the kind of thing I am talking about.

Leonard Pitts

Billyfish said...

Shoeless...sorry about the quasi-serious postings. I will try to get back to ranting about lard asses in Wal-Mart as soon as I can.

Billyfish said...

By the way Shoeless, do you pay any federal income tax while in that Venezualan paradise? If not, that could be why you don't give a shit about who gets elected.

Not accusing...just curious.

k said...

Like I said... welcome to the middle of the road, Billyfish, where most likely you will be run down by the left and the right as they joust for truth, justice, and something about America, which they sold at a flea market long ago...

k said...

I like guns. I like the feel of the warm shaft in my hand... I like knowing I control the its delay or its discharge... I like the feel of the power as it releases its load...

Anonymous said...

Since you axed...

Sure I pay taxes. Because I earn a premium overseas, I actually pay more than I would if I still worked there.

Sure I care. I just don't see the point in starting to worry about it a year and a half before I actually get the chance to weigh-in. In my humble opinion, the choice of president has less effect on me than the winner of Survivor. By the way, I would much rather watch Survivor because there are actual contests that test an individuals character, the election period is shorter, and dialogue amongst candidates is much more interesting. Anyway, my opinions on the presidency carry about as much weight as my suggestions to the Patriots on how to win the Super Bowl next time. I would rather spend my time coaching my girl's soccer or swim team, where my opinions might actually influence the outcome.

In the same way, if I truly wanted to make a difference in the outcome of the elections, I would start with the local politicos like the state house rep, or the local congressmen. Interesting that I have not seen a single blog amongst the group that even identifies who these people are in Lubbock and where they stand on issues, other than possibly the mayor and his enforcement of the mid-evil laws there. Am I wrong, or isn't it these folk who truly vote on your behalf on laws affect you and have the power to actually make impactful change on your day-to-day lives. Sure the overarching environment at the top of the house has influence, but again, why waste so many productive hours trying to steer the ship from the engine room...

Anonymous said...

Shoeless, you are assuming that those of us who graduated from high school in the last 10-15 years know how our country's government is structured. We don't get that kind of learnin' in high school anymore -- maybe in fancy-schmancy countries like Europe (Europe is a country, right? Like Paris?), but not here.

Billyfish said...

Of course, you are right Shoeless. The inane decisions made by our local elected ones have a much more direct and instantaneous affect on our lives. At this time, the annointed ones are considering breed specific dog bans (contrary to State law). Short of that, any new regulations regarding dog ownership would have a much more direct impact on my life than withdrawing from Iraq.

In a way, my original post on this thread was my way of saying,"I give up!" I honestly don't care which one of these losers becomes President. Why, over the weekend, I switched my vote to Hillary. After all, if she is elected, we will only have to pay her 60% of what we would a male President. Cutting into the deficit already.

It is just a dream I have that our high minded officials can drop the rhetoric and the acrimonius snipping and do the right thing (whatever the fuck that is).

Anonymous said...

I think we are in violent agreement. I think most politicos start with the right ideals, but lose their way somewhere between receiving their first lobby check and getting their campaign manager least that's what happened to the few I've known.

k said...

Hmmm, I wonder if that is why Hillary fired her campaign manager and replaced her with a long time friend.

Todd said...

Screw Delvin Jones.

Anonymous said...

Gee Ed -- THAT was random.