Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spring Fun Tournament

We teed off at 9:00 a.m. for the annual Spring Fun Tournament. This is a 4 man tournament, that calls on each participant to step up and do his part. As illuminated by Al earlier today, I shan't bore you with the minute details. Today's format was a select drive, low ball. This means all four tee off, you pick the best drive and everyone plays in from there. I performed poorly on the front nine (43) and exceptionally on the back (35). As a team, we played very well and shot 17 under par for a current standing of second place.

Tomorrow's format is two 2-man scrambles. This means you split your team into two man teams and each team plays from the best shot of that two man team each time. You then combine the two scores on each hole for the total team score. I will be teaming up with Bryan, who can hit the ball a mile and a half, but you don't know where it will come down. My primary job tomorrow is to put my drives into the fairway and in play, then let Bryan unleash the beast and knock the crap out of his driver.

As I will be flying to Austin tomorrow evening, I don't know if I will know the results of our performance until I return on Wednesday. Stayed tuned if you give a shit...otherwise, have a nice day.


Anonymous said...

I give a shit... I'll stay tuned. Can I still have a nice day?

Anonymous said...

GREAT 35! ... is this really Batman posting?

Billyfish said...

Bryan and I shot 70 and RB and Mark shot 69. We finished in 2nd. The first time in almost two years I have made money at golf.

Anonymous said...


Mucho pro shop credit!

Now, if only they carried dog food ...

Anonymous said...

So the overall score is:

billyfish - 1

golf - 1,234,454,316

Billyfish said...

Shoeless, I don't know how you came up with your odds, but you are eerily close to the true number.