Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Achoo, Snort, Oink, Sniff

Well, here we go again. The fucking swine flu this time. Don't know how we survived Monkey Pox, SARS, Anthrax, Bird Flu, Flu Manchu or any of a number of the next great pestilences that were supposed to wipe us from the face of the earth.

I am not sure I will survive this round of scare tactics and government supported panic mongering. My only hope is that "man made" global warming will raise the temps enough to kill of the swine virus.

Jesus people...get a life, take a chance and don't worry. Be happy.


k said...

You're missing the point. The real issue is whether to call the illness the Swine Flu, which is offensive to Jews and Muslims, or to call it the Mexican Flu, which has pissed off Mexico. Clearly, we need to have an international discussion about cultural sensitivity in order to avoid an international incident.

Personally, I take it as good news about terrorism. Front page space available for WHO health alerts being upgraded from "phase 3" to "phase 4," "the highest in decades," means there must not be much happenin' on the ol' terrorism front. Turns out, Homeland Security only has the U.S. at yellow, or "elevated" right now.

I don't know why they don't just hire a really scary guy to wave his hands about, make spooky noises, and moan, "Beeee afraaaaid, be veeeeeery afraaaaaid." It would be easier to remember than phases and colors, and accomplish about as much.

Billyfish said...

Just so we don't offend anybody. How about we call it the FLU.

Christ, the FLU kills more people every year than the "Swine Flu" has even infected. According to todays paper, 6 (six) people in Texas, a state of nearly 30 million inhabitants, have been confirmed as infected.

Pardon me...I have to go change out my surgical mask and cough up a load of phlegm into my hand.

Anonymous said...

Tammy, your favorite State Health Department employee says:

Wash your God damn hands.

That is all.

P.S. Fish -- you're right; regular old run of the mill influenza kills thousands of people every year and Swine Flu deaths haven't even come close... yet. ;-)