Sunday, June 3, 2007

The View From the Tundra

What the hell got into me? What am I doing driving a brand new 2007 Toyota Tundra? I have always been the grumpy, somewhat odd, bald headed guy in the old clunker. I have not bought a new car for myself since the 1984 Pontiac Fiero. That might explain my hesitance to try another new car. While I thought that was the hottest chick magnet to ever roll out of Detroit when I bought it, it turned out to be a sheep in wolf's clothing. Traded that one for a 1973 Mercedes 450 SL. Great car till it broke. Then my bank account followed suit.

Since then, I have driven the following:

1985 Nissan pick up - 208,000 miles when sold
1991 Nissan Maxima - 250,000 miles when sold
1992 Nissan Maxima - 145,000 miles when wrecked
2000 Nissan Maxima - 113,000 miles when sacrificed to the God's of Consumption.

I had gotten used to driving cars I didn't have to care about. Oddly, the less I cared about them, the better care they took of me.

Now I find myself in this great truck, and I am having a hard time getting comfortable with the idea. I think it is a combination of buyers remorse and the strange feeling that yet another part of me has sold out in my quest to join the Clone Army. Can't get ahead at work if you don't drive the right vehicle. I know this is crazy, but it still nags at my core.

Well, I better get comfortable with the idea, because Toyota Finance Corp says I have about 60 months to enjoy it. Who knows...maybe 10 years from now I will be adding this entry to the previous list...

2007 Toyota Tundra - 249,000 miles when owner was incinerated in a fiery crash.


Anonymous said...

So, does this mean that you are not driving the minivan after all? GASP! Is the Tundra, in fact, "your" truck then? Are the custom leather seats in fact warming (do I dare even think it?) YOUR ass?

The room is spinning... all is going dark... please, tell Ethel I loved her...

k said...

I get attached to cars too. We have a Toyota Sienna minivan. The engine was just replaced for free by Toyota in a class action suit. So, at 7 years old with 150,00 miles... we basically got a brand new car. I will be driving it for another 7 to 10 years. I just can't imagine not. Buying new cars is such a waste. I can't say I "like" the car. I got it, oh my God... "For the children!" I can think of many other cars I would rather drive. Oh well... this one works... and still looks nice. Well, it looks nice on the outside. On the inside there are stains from all the little children eating, drinking, and being merry. Devyn shot ketchup on ceiling. He was so impressed with his ability to assess how to open the packet just right so the pressure would build enough as he squeezed to reach the ceiling, and then excute his plan with flawless perfection resulting in an avant garde pattern. I was not impressed.

Billyfish said...

The ketchup incident reminded me of a great feature in the old 1985 Nissan truck. The boot around the stick shift had worn out, and every time I drove through a puddle, the water would jet up through the boot to the ceiling of the truck. Had to remember to clamp my hand around it every time I hit water.

k said...

That's funny.

Anonymous said...

Todd made some sort of comment about YOUR "manly" truck on MY blog. Which is weird, Batman.

Billyfish said...

Todd is never know what's gonna pop out of that boy's head. My guess is he was responding to your scream for postings. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Nothing really inspirational going on.