Sunday, January 27, 2008


Jeez, I am totally and completely uninspired. Life has been unnervingly "Blah" the past couple of weeks. Nothing is even remotely irritating to me. Could this be a good thing, or a sign of the apocalypse?

Tammy, give me one of your liberal rants about saving the world to set me off.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

Somebody asked me today if I was happy. And, strangely enough, I had to think about it. I mean, what the hell does that mean? Am I happy in a "the sky is blue, and the birds are singing" way? How about happy in a "I am so blessed by God" way? Or maybe I am happy in a "Jeez, at least I am not that fat fuck I saw at Wal-Mart yesterday" way.

After some thought, I responded that yes, I am happy. In a general "life doesn't suck so much" kind of way. Of course, I am not always happy. I've only known one person like that. A woman who used to work at the office, was never sad, angry, grumpy or even irritable. She was ALWAYS happy, no matter what. And it used to really piss me off. One day I told her, "Darlene, before you retire from here, I AM going to make you get mad about something!" But, alas and alack, I failed.

At any rate, yes, I am happy. What's not to be happy about. I have a good job, nice house, beautiful wife, no kids, get to play golf at the Country Club any time I want and I occasionally get to blow off steam on this site like I can do nowhere else. And, oh yeah, I won $22 from RB on the Ohio State-LSU football game tonight. Now, THAT really made me happy.

Anyway, tomorrow it is back to work, where I am sure some disgruntled member of the public will turn Happy back into Grumpy. And if that doesn't occur, I can always go shopping at Wal-Mart.