Saturday, June 13, 2009

May I Help?

I was dutifully working on the glass cabinet doors for the kitchen remodel this afternoon, when I was approached by the lady next door with an entreaty to help her get her lawn mower started. Figuring she had simply forgotten to apply the choke, I said sure. No luck...the mower was dead, she was already sweating profusely, and as mentioned in an earlier post, her husband had recently parted ways with one of his legs.

I offered to mow her horribly overgrown back yard with my mower. She accepted very gratefully, and I began. On average, the weeds and grass were about 2' tall, with gopher mounds, wood and bricks mixed in sporadically. I mowed it once on the highest setting, and went back over it two settings lower.

I was interrupted once by rain and hail, causing me to run home in panic to put the Tundra in the garage. After two hours and another rain shower, I was able to finish the job, and return to the garage to finish the four doors I had vowed to build today.

Some days, it just doesn't pay to work with the garage doors open. Tomorrow, I attack my own yard.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LMAO!! That's what I love about you Batman -- you're such a giver.